At last, the secret for coaches to add value to their clients and improve their coaching.

Mindset College tackles the very real problem of delivering a top-class mental skills programme at an affordable price with answers to real issues athletes and coaches face, using tried and tested tools from the coal-face of elite performance. 


Understanding how to manage your mind and how it works will give your athletes an edge . Mindset College tackles the No1 problem athletes face which is to overcome their  fears and doubts.

Mindset College has helped many Olympic and International athletes enjoy the process that leads to success.

Join the Mindset College Programme

The Art of Competing

Discover the secrets to competing.

This is a two-part module that tackles mental toughness to give you a core understanding of exactly how to be tough and how to overcome fears

Three of the many topics covered include: Fear of the Past in the Present, The Drowning Analogy and Logic under Pressure

Unlock your highest potential

When athletes understand and accept what they have signed up to and trust the process that promises success then belief and confidence grows!

Some topics covered include: Setting Goals from the Heart, The Mental Toughness Model and Comparison

Dealing with confrontation and change

Change and healthy confrontation often open a  path of great opportunity and a clear understanding of how to take the next step.

Topics covered include: Thrive in Hostile environments, Change Cycles and Confrontation

Helping athletes transform their fears and doubts into a winning mindset

David Sammel has 30 years of experience transforming fears and doubts into a Winning Mindset. He has developed a streamlined and proven programme that helps all Athletes find their performance, win more and become incredibly resilient.


Join the Mindset College Programme

The beauty of the course is that it opens opportunities for constructive and interesting conversations that, together with you, their support team, athletes are inspired to become mentally strong and robust.

Join the Mindset College Programme