The “Responsibility’ Moment

performance Jun 24, 2021
The “Responsibility’ Moment

In my experience, there is a point in life where most realise that what happens to them is down to them. There is no one to save you from your own problems. The day we accept this is the day we truly grow up. 

Someone can point out our truth, the reality of where we are, which so often is a blind spot where we can hide. 

Once a light is shone on it, the choice has to be made. It is a growing up moment when we become responsible for the choices we make.

It is the moment we have to look in the mirror and choose whether to say “It’s up to me. No more blame, no more feeling sorry for ourselves, no more wishing for someone to do what needs to be done for us. We decide that from here on out, it will be different. I will accept the challenges of life and accept failure and success as a bi-product of our efforts, not as something personal.”

In my case, it was the ugliest and most liberating experience because since then I’ve had the clarity to know I am responsible and that checking out is a choice. When I don’t walk the talk, I cannot expect to get the rewards, and so I became a grown-up.

The question is what are you going to do next?

  • Are you going to find a coach?
  • Are you going to push yourself to the point where you truly know what it is you have to change?
  • Are you going to have your moment and no longer checkout? 

A word of caution here - as a human being, you have to manage your energy and focus. It is impossible to do everything to your limit. 

Find out what it is you want, the most important thing to you, and this is where the steel has to be focused. Once you've had your moment, the work actually begins. 

The first problem is generally to build and instil in yourself the belief and confidence that you can achieve what you’ve set out to do. 

If you can do all this without help then ask yourself the question of why do the best in the world have coaches and mentors? 

The next problem is to sort out what other things in your life and business need to change to start taking responsibility?

It is one thing to know your truth, another to prepare, so that when the tough decision moments come in real life, you are ready and have the tools to cope  

The mind has to recognize the moments and then deliver.

Here are some examples and areas that you can help you identify possible barriers to the life and rewards you want. 

  • Time management - until you get to grips with where and how you value your time you may have the wisdom but will not have the trophies. 
  • Grasshopper - jumping from one project or routine to another. This mindset never builds momentum. 
  • No routines in place. In other words, your system and routines are reactionary, forever fighting fires and salvaging small results from the carnage of chaos. 
  • Only a vague idea of what it is you really want. 
  • Only a vague idea of how you will get there. 
  • You are signed up to the “it will be all right on the night philosophy? ‘

It's amazing how many sleepless nights, panics, emergencies, all-nighters and stress the ‘don't worry, be happy without any planning or detailed work’ can cause! 

Mindset College can help lead you to your ‘responsibility moment’ and over three months begin a rebirth of clarity that if you stick to it will begin a conviction so powerful it will change your life and career forever. 


Written by David Sammel