Top 10 tips you can put in place RIGHT NOW to improve your mindset!

performance Jun 10, 2021
improve your mindset

I’ve put together Top 10 tips that you can put in place RIGHT NOW to improve your mindset!

So, here goes…

  1. Inspiration: paint the dream and always point out the next step.

    See the top of the building as an inspiration, then forget about it and climb your own ladder with focus on one rung at a time!

  2. Work hard and good things will happen, you just don’t know when: Process over outcome!

    We often think we are ready before we are, and we can’t control the timing of success. People often forget that it took 10 years of failure before Novak Djokovic won the French Open and John Bland 477 golf tournaments to win his first - the 478th.

  3. Success is based on your weapons, not your weaknesses.

    Spend more time building your weapons than improving weaknesses
    Top athletes are remembered for their strengths.

  4. Keep it simple. Never work on more than two things at once.

    Overload confuses and slows learning.

  5. There is no competitive advantage unless you create it!

    Developing your mentality is not an accident - either you create it or accidents will define you.

  6. Perseverance is the mental foundation

    Nothing great is achieved without overcoming obstacles.

  7. Tone of voice is as, if not more important than what you say.

    Preferably have helpful thoughts as well as a calm tone, but even poor thoughts are better for you if delivered in a calm tone.

  8. Feeling sorry for yourself as a competitor is arguably a sackable offence.

    Gratitude helps!
    The fact that you have a chance to play sport is a privilege so whatever disappointment you have, think of those who have limited or no opportunities. You can always improve!

  9. Same sh#t different level: each level demands that you overcome the same mental lessons, just the sophistication increases the higher you get.

    No matter how successful you are, the challenges of pushing yourself to new levels of toughness always exist.

  10. There is no greater confidence builder than preparation, and believing you are making progress.

    When you have a plan you have a chance. The day you think you can’t or are not getting better at something is the day that competing becomes purely a leisure activity. 

These are my ten top tips! I urge you to reflect on each one and incorporate the messages into your mindset and plan to become awesome at what you do. 

Written By David Sammel