Feed your brain healthy mind food!

performance May 28, 2021
Feed your brain healthy mind food!

We get diarrhoea when we eat food that the body knows is bad for it and needs to get rid.  

The first thing we do is stop eating so that the body can get rid of all the toxins before we start eating again. 

We start with plain foods that are easy for the body to digest.  

However, how often do we give our minds a rest from thinking and feeding it unhelpful or toxic thoughts? 

Like bad food, poisoning our minds with a diet of negativity without giving it time to expunge the toxins is unhealthy. 

How can we  expect our minds to be healthy on a diet of poor, limiting thoughts. 

Unfortunately the mind gets diarrhoea and starts multiplying bad thoughts into a stream of verbal diarrhoea and therefore can find no peace. 

Stop feeding your mind unhelpful thoughts. Verbal diarrhoea within your head will soak your energy more than anything.

Consider what you put into your mind and also what you need to take out.

What can you do?  Once a day sit and just be quiet and when unhelpful thoughts enter your mind just say that’s not me. 

Just like you would help your body, try to starve your mind of thoughts - we know this is very difficult but just giving it a go helps. 

There are many ways of doing this - sit quietly holding onto no thoughts, meditation, running/exercise focusing on breathing or finding that place which seems like the mind is on standby. 

Find what works for you - a way to feel calm and peaceful. 

Limit consumption of news, online noise - negativity that mesmerises the brain and try to read healthy thought-provoking literature, stuff that makes you feel good or stimulates deep thought - either fiction or non-fiction. 

Be mindful who you spend your time with! Surround yourself with supportive, fun and positive people. 

Be a radiator rather than a drain, someone who is fun to be around, which affects you as much as those around you. 

Smile, it’s easy and radiating!


Written by David Sammel