What is your measure of success?

Episode #44

Good morning, good day, good evening, wherever in the world you are, this is David Sammel with another nugget.

What is success? Everyone talks about success. Usually, it means what can be shown to others as a success.

  • money,
  • status,
  • power,
  • things.
    And there are 1000s of people and organisations all over the world getting rich, by teaching us all, how to get these symbols of success. What I propose is sit down and decide, first and foremost, what will make you feel successful, what your success looks like, and work towards these goals. If good relationships are important, then this must be one of your measurements for your success and then go out and do the work to nurture and nourish your relationships.

Understand that this is a never-ending process with your measure of success based on your communication and effort given to relationships. You know, there are many examples and I'm going to give you a few here that I would say are a measure of success.

  • Peace of mind. Over the years, I've improved my ability to say no to things that potentially can and probably would cause me unnecessary problems or stress.
  • Whilst I remain ambitious, I appreciate where I am, what I've achieved, and happy with the process of progress, rather than the goal. Each goal will be reached when I'm ready to reach it.
  • Nurturing family relationships and close friends is really important to me, and a measure of success. Also, just being as nice as possible, to as many people and in as many interactions that I can remember to push myself to be nice about things, and patient with people. I find if I'm, thinking patient and good thoughts about other people, I feel better. So that's a successful day for me if I feel good throughout the day.
  • I accept that financial and work success whatever that means for you is important and that achieving financial freedom is not easy, but keep in mind that it's also not the only destination.

So, decide what level of sacrifice is worth it for you. This does not mean that sacrifice is not fun. that hard work is not satisfying but work takes time. And where you spend your time is the most important choice of all because it has to be decided. Where you spend your time must be divided. So, I'll end with this thought,

“What, where and with whom you spend your time is what you value the most no matter what you say. Where you spend your time and what you spend your time on is truly what you value.”