#127 Your Inner Peace - Part 1

For this week's episode, we discuss your "Inner Peace": 1.. It is not called inner peace for no reason. How you feel about yourself should never be outsourced- in other words know yourself and work out how you measure your effort, your success and how wish to live. 2. Think about it - how often are we fine and totally satisfied until someone says “Do you know how much so and so is earning?” Or “I Can’t you believe that you are happy with how they are treating you?” Anything that you were totally content with until someone stirs up discontent in you is saying you need to adopt their ideas of what is fair or unfair. 3. When you have lost or something hasn’t worked out I ask one question “If I had a magic genie what is the one thing I would have wanted from the genie to help me during that match, exam, job, deal etc?”

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