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Mindset College Course Outline

Introduction to the Anatomy of Mindset College
We provide you with an overview of what you will learn in this course. It will give you the full anatomy of the course and instructions on how to benefit the most from this experience.

No 3: The Art of Competing Part 1
- How can you train my mind to overcome fear?
- How do you let go of fear and anxiety?
- What is Locker Room Power?
It's the course that shows you the essence of competing.

No 3: The Art of Competing Part 2
How can I calm my anxiety?
It's the course, Part 2 where you discover how it feels in the face of fierce competition and how to deal with how the body and mind reacts when pushing yourself to the limit.

No 4: The Communication Map
How do I communicate better
However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening.
It's the course where you learn communication with yourself and others.

No 5: Change Management
What is change management?
What are the principles of change management?
It's the course helps you alleviate huge amounts of anxiety and stress when you take change in your stride.

No 6: Power of Awareness Part 1
- How do you know if you are an introvert?
- How can Labelling affect a person?
- How do you move on from being rejected?
It's the course that helps you understand yourself.

No 6: Power of Awareness Part 2
- Why do you compare myself, and why is it bad?
- How to stop feeling Inadequate
- Why do people judge others?
It's the course that helps transform your thoughts of inadequacy, to being comfortable in your own skin.

No 7: Positive Conflict
What is the full meaning of conflict?
What are the five conflict management strategies?
It's the course that helps you deal with conflict to no longer fear conflict, and success will become far easier to achieve

No 8: Building a legacy
- What does it mean to build a legacy?
- How do you start a legacy?
- What creates a person's legacy?
It's the course that helps you create your own legacy that is meaningful and that you can be proud of.
The Mindset College Programme
Is the course that teaches you the techniques to perform better.
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